Wednesday 23 March 2011

Pilgrimage in Israel

Sunday Evening myself and Fr. Scott Young and 32 pilgrims from Bolton, Mississauga and beyond embarked upon a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  We arrived Monday morning and transferred to our Hotel in Tel Aviv.  After a short nap, people went off to explore and walk around the hotel area.  Some went to the Carmel Market, others went to the Beach and dipped their toes into the Mediterranean Sea.  All of these activities allowed us to clear the cobwebs that an 11 hour flight leaves in our minds.  Tuesday Moning, after attending to a few health concerns, we made our way to Jaffa, the Ancient port city of Israel, where St. Peter had a vision, that declared all foods clean (Acts 9).
We made our way up the Mediterranean coastline to Ceasarea Maritima, where the first Gentile was Baptized: Cornelius - a member of the Roman Cohoart. 
We realized that we were here today because of what had happened here 2 centuries ago. We ended our day celebrating mass at Stella Maris in Haifa.
Today (Wednesday) we started with Mass in Nazareth in the Basilica of the Annunciation, then we walked to St. Gabriel's Greek Orthodox Church. We then boarded the bus for the short drive to Cana - where the first miracle of Jesus ocurred - changing water into wine at a wedding feast.  We went down to the grotto and the couples who are on the pilgrimage renewed their wedding vows, and Fr. Scott and I renewed our Priestly promises.  We went for Lunch and a first century experience at Kefar Kedeem.  We got dressed in ancient garb, and learned about sowing wheat in a land where you had to trust in God to send rain to make the wheat grow. After baking our own Pita bread, we had a meal of Hummis, salad, chicken breast strips, and lamb Sausage Kebobs. Then people had a chance to ride a donkey!  I did not ride one - cruel and unusual punnishment comes to mind.
Then as we traveled to our hotel in Tiberias - where we will stay for 4 nights - we learned of the explosion in Jerusalem.  We are all very safe - some 200 Kilometres north of Jerusalem.  We can expect more security when we do make our way down the Jordan valley and eventually working our way up to Jerusalem.  We pray for those injured, and for the people who mourn the 1 death that we know of at this time.  We also will keep praying for peace in this Land that is holy.  Peace

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