Monday 24 December 2018

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

From the Mass in the night we hear familiar readings - 
"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light"
and in the Gospel - the story of the Birth of Christ - situated in the middle of a census - with familiar characters and locations.

Using a familiar prayer form: if you were to insert yourself into the Gospel - Who would you be? Child Jesus ? If you are a child – I suppose this is OK. But if you are an adult - and you are thinking "hey folks - the focus on me…" that doesn’t really work! 

Are you Mary? Maybe a 1st time Mother - looking at the child with Wonder & Awe ... gazing upon the Child who the Angel said 9 long months ago was going to be so important...

Are you Joseph – father / for the first time? 
Looking upon the child and the weight of responsibility: to raise & to provide for Jesus - & you’re not really sure how he got here…

Are you Drummer Boy – (I know he is not in the Gospel - but we all know he was there - we sing the song, we have seen the show... (Par rum pa pum pum...)  Are you unsure of your giftedness?

Are you a Shepherd? Living so near - between Bethlehem and Jerusalem - that hearing of a child wrapped in swaddling cloth you think immediately of how you protect the newborn lambs so that they remain unblemished - to be used for sacrifice in the temple in Jerusalem?

Might I suggest we could all be the Innkeeper 
The one who the Lord is knocking on your heart – 
and you decide if there will be room to admit him.

To not operate out of Fear – like so many were / like so many do.
For the angels had to keep saying – “Be not afraid!”

Be not afraid to admit: 
The Lord of Lords, The King of Kings, the Prince of Peace!

Be not afraid to admit the one laid in feeding trough in Bethlehem - the house of bread.
The one laid in feeding trough with swaddling clothes - like the lambs for sacrifice in the temple.
The one who is the Lamb of God - whom we behold in the Eucharist - the one who has taken away the sin of the world, the one who will save us!

Is there room in the Inn of your heart to receive Christ - in the Stranger, in the Refugee, in the alien, in your neighbour, in your enemy, in the foreigner?
Will you admit him not only This Christmas… but beyond…?

Saturday 15 December 2018

Santa Fund - Putting our Faith into Action!

Thank you!

The count is in - and the Giving Tree gift cards amounted to over $ 5,800.00 !!!
Thank you so much for these gift cards which help make a real difference in the Christmas's for "Teens and Tweens" in our community.

Each week, during the month of December, we have included a story in the bulletin about a person or family that benefits from the Santa Fund at Caledon Community Services. The ministers of all the parishes in Caledon are striving to increase the number of direct donations to the Santa fund this year. By using the form and the Envelope found in the bulletin - you can put your Faith into Action - and help families in need at Christmas and beyond

Sunday 9 December 2018

Advent Waiting

While the Advent Season is a time of Preparation, and Anticipation, and Expectation, I fear we might be taking this to a new level at Holy Family!

The new Automatic Doors were installed on the Friday Morning before the First Sunday of Advent. These doors were a donation from Pat Acquisto, Accessibility Construction Specialist at PRO Accessibility Ltd. 

The electricians were booked to come in this past week and install power to the door openers, and an outlet on the hallway wall for a new Screen donated by Egan Funeral Home. 
Image result for sony 65 inch mounted tv

It seems there is a special part needed for the Door openers connection - and it did not come in by Friday - so here we are - living Advent in a real way - waiting for electricity and connections! In the mean time we have been able to rig up an extension cord for the TV monitor - so the Announcements are now playing on the screen!

May your advent waiting be a time of recognizing our dependence on a God, who desires to come close to us!


Saturday 1 December 2018

Advent 2018

Advent at Holy Family Parish

The time leading up to Christmas is busy in our lives, as we prepare the home, shop, and decorate. This season of Advent is a busy time in our parish as well! Here is a sampling of what is happening these 4 weeks of Advent at Holy Family Parish:

Nov. 30 – Dec. 2 the LifeTeen Retreat “Search” – is happening on this First Weekend of Advent (at Upper Canada Camp).

Each of the Monday Evenings in the first 3 weeks of Advent – December 3rd, 10th, and 17th – Advent Bible Study – after 7:00 pm Mass (7:30) – in the Parish Hall

December 3rd & 5th – 7:00 pm Confirmation Candidate / Parent / Sponsor Meetings  start with Mass.

December 4th – 7:15 pm “Light up for Christ” – Annual Knights of Columbus Event - with the tree lighting, Carol Singing, and refreshments.

December 7th – 7:30 pm – First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

December 8/9 – First Sharing in Eucharist Enrollment (presenting lambs) during all Masses

Sunday, December 9th – St. Nicholas Celebration – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – in the Parish Hall - this is our 7th Annual Celebration!

December 10th & 12th – 7:00 pm Confirmation Candidate / Parent / Sponsor Meetings start with Mass.

December 11th – “Vitamin F” Faith Nourishment – Advent Retreat and time of Reflection – 7:30 – 9 pm

December 14 – EDGE Youth Group – Caroling though town 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Saturday, December 15 Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration begins at 11:00 am and includes prayer, presentations, and refreshments.

December 15/16 – First Sharing in Eucharist Enrollment (presenting lambs) during all Masses
December 15/16 – Daughters of St. Paul – Book Sale after all Masses – Parish Hall

December 18th – 7:00 pm Confessions
December 19th – 10:00 am Confessions 

December 19th – 7:00 pm – Longest Night Mass – for those who have experienced loss of a loved one during the year. Refreshments to follow.

December 23rd – 2:00 pm – Come out to help Decorate the church for Christmas!