Saturday 31 March 2018

I feel bad

I feel bad that I have not posted anything all Lent.
I could say it was an intentional decision - less social media - etc...
But that would be a lie!

I just have not been as mindful of this blog - as I have learned to add new items to our Parish website - and worked to keep that up to date...

Today we had the blessing of Eater Baskets - and following that teams of people went to work:

  • Servers setting out the items used for the Easter Vigil, then rehersing the liturgy!
  • The Knights of Columbus setting up our imressive Baptismal Font;
  • Some artistic women who set up the flowers and decorations;
  • and a dedicated team of volunteers from Mom's and Tots who plan and prepare everything for the reception after the Vigil this evening.
We are now ready to celebrate the central feast of our Faith: The Resurrection of Jesus - the Saviour of the Universe!
