Tuesday 8 March 2011

Pancakes, Pancakes, and More Pancakes!

As we count down to the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday - we have the very common custom of eating Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.  I started the day eating some Pancakes this morning with grade 8 boys at one of our Schools. With another feed of pancakes coming this evening at the Parish (organized by the Squires and Squirettes) I had to pace myself, but the young grade 8's had no such fears and were very obliging whenever a parent volunteer came by with some refills!  Over 800 students fed by 10:30 this morning!
The custom of Pancakes on the day before Lent begins comes from the age old practice of clearing the cupboard of all the things which would often be given up during the Lenten Fast (Cream, Sugar, eggs). So the practice of pancakes was born. There are different customs in different places: Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Rio are similar pre-lenten celebrations that count down to Ash Wednesday

Enjoy the feast - whatever you have - even if it is a bit of a carbolicious day!

1 comment:

  1. The real trick is taking a group of kindergartners to a pancake breakfast - you have to cut the pancakes for them! Dad`s Stew was pretty good too. Chris P.S. Why were we not invited to follow your famous blog! It will be revolutionary - or, due to current societal pressures - should that be counter-revolutionary...
