Thursday 7 July 2011

Refugee Family Update

Greetings All.  Our Refugee family has been in Toronto this week - at the COSTI Refugee Welcome Centre.  They have temporary Accommodation there and have been guided through the process to get their OHIP Card (Health Insurance), Interim Federal Health Card (Drug Plan), Social Insurance Number - which they need in order to work and have a bank account.  They have also been having Orientation Sessions (in Arabic) so that they know their rights and obligations, duties and privileges. They 2 sisters who arrived last week have a sister in Hamilton, and for a while, there was some concern that they were going to want to seek out a house/apartment there.  After members of our committee talked with the family there, Evelyn and Madeline realized that despite being a bit of a drive away, it was not going to be wise to settle in Hamilton.  While their Government of Canada financial support would not change if they settled in Hamilton, our ability to support them would be affected.  Evelyn and Madeline actually signed a document recognizing that it was the Bolton community that would be doing a part of the resettlement assistance.

(I think it was the Office of Refugees for the Archdiocese of Toronto [ORAT] that insisted upon this notice/agreement because it has been an issue in the past!)  It was the ORAT office that the Government of Canada contacted searching for a community that would take this JAS case (Joint Assisted Sponsorship).

We think we have a small two bedroom house lined up, and the funds that we at Holy Family Parish and Bolton United Church have collected will help supplement the family's monthly housing allowance.  I am still waiting for the detailed list of furniture that they are provided with from their resettlement allowance as a JAS case. When I get this we will merge it with the items we have on hand already - and post the items that they will still need / a wish list of sorts!  


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