Saturday 24 November 2012

Christ the King

Despite the claim that we are a democratic people, we really act as if we are fascinated by monarchy - any Monarchy. When I was in Morocco there were pictures of the King - in every house, restaurant, etc.  The big deal actually was that this king was the first to have his Queen shown / photographed along side him...
Whether its the Queens Diamond Jubilee, William and Kate’s wedding or speculation about a child, Prince Harry’s antics – roalty in general still fascinates and captivates us...

Yet the readings this Sunday speak of a different kind of Kingdom.
I remember years ago working with Grade 12 students at St. Augustine's Secondary School, on a retreat where the first activity was to make "Dream Catcher / Timelines." The idea of dreamcatchers comes from our first nations peoples - who would hang them over their head when they slept... When the Sun rose - mit burned off the nightmares, and the good dreams were caught in order to provide hope and stength when facing adversity... 
Daniel captured his dream,  his vision, not in such a fancy dreamcatcher as the native peoples have, never the less, this dream was of a kingdom that would not pass away, that would not be destroyed, one kingdom that would be everlasting.

Daniel's dream,  his vision,  born out of the Historical reality of his time.  This book in the Hebrew Testament was written only about 150 years before the Birth of Christ - and at the time there were conflicts in the temple about increasingly pagan practises.
Daniel  had a certain eagerness for the kingdom.  Looking forward to that kingdom, to its arrival and to the differences that it would bring.

Jesus – in the encounter with Pilate – is called a title he never sought!  A Kingdom not of this world – but in this world.  "Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."
To Listen is more than hearing – it does involve hearing - yet so much more. I think it means making a change – from our way to His way so that we belong:  to Jesus; to Christ; to our real King.  When we pray in the Our Father: Thy Kingdom come – it  means also – MY kingdom must go!

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