Saturday, 4 June 2011

Gum, Gum, Cell Phones and More Gum!

Whats a priest to do?
The code of Canon Law is clear:
Can. 919 §1 "Whoever is to receive the blessed Eucharist is to abstain for at least one hour before holy communion from all food and drink, with the sole exception of water and medicine."
So what is one to do when people come to Mass with gum in their mouth? What to do when at the beginning of Mass you say:  "We do not allow gum during Mass" or "please remove gum from your mouth" and people keep on looking at you and chewing away???  
That is the situation I faced last week a few times at our Confirmation celebrations.  Now let me say - it was not the Confirmation candidates or their sponsors who were chewing gum.  No, it was their guests, their aunts and uncles, and even some appeared to be old enough to be their grandparents. Let me ask you - would any of those Nona's have allowed someone to come to their Easter dinner table with gum in their mouth? I don't think so!  I know I am not a gum chewer - but my Dad is - and he tells me he is always conscious of where he is when he is chewing gum...

Then there is the issue of Cell Phones.  In the past year or so - we have had very few instances of cell phones going off in the church.  a couple of years ago - I was distraught with a cell phone situation.  It was not when the cell phone rang, that I became distressed, rather it was when the older woman answered - and talked to the caller - DURING MASS!

I was stronger on the Gum issue on Wednesday evening before Confirmation - and someone emailed me Thursday morning.  

Yesterday, June 1st, 2011, I was at Holy  Family attending the Confirmation of one of my relatives. I was appalled at the way you spoke to the congregation. At first, I thought you wanted to be humorous while sending a message to the children. As your “long” address continued, it became clear that you were, perhaps unwittingly,  patronizing and at one point almost insulting.  I am referring to your remark that “I can only say it in one language, no gum.” ...
You can disregard my comments or, maybe you can consider a more humble and respectful way to address parishioners and visiting worshipers.
In my reply I asked if she had heard the cell phone go off during the Eucharistic Prayer? (no reply yet)  I have to say that one of the most embarrassing moments was when a cell phone went off in the confessional. When I asked the penitent if she wanted to answer the phone, she looked at me and said "Father, I don't own a cell phone!"
Ever since then I live with my phone on vibrate.  It never has the ringer on... It means I miss some calls, and I do not always "feel" the buzzer, but it never rings in Mass, or at appointments, or in the confessional!

So I ask those of you who read this Blog to make comments - what would be a more humble and respectful way to deal with these issues? Am I off base here?  How do we get people to realize that they need to turn off their cell phones during Mass, and not come to church with gum in their mouth???

P.S. - It Seems I cannot get the comments section to work correctly so I will put my email address here -
Send me an email with your comments / suggestions!


  1. I think this is an interesting debate... So do they mean you cannot eat 1 hour before you receive communion or one hour before mass?

  2. The Code of Canon Law commentary that I have makes it clear - 1 Hour before receiving Communion - not 1 hour from the start of Mass. So that means about 10-15 minutes before Mass begins on a Sunday - or 1/2 hour before mass on a weekday.
    Fr. Larry
