Sunday 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas!

There is a Cherokee Legend that says:
When the plants and trees were first made, the Great Mystery - that is how they refer to God, gave a gift to each species. 
But first he set up a contest  - "I want you to stay awake and keep watch over the earth for seven nights," The young trees and plants were so excited - the first night they did not find it difficult to stay awake. However, the second night was not so easy, and just before dawn a few fell asleep. On the third night the trees and plants whispered among themselves in the wind, to keep from dropping off, but it was too much work for some of them. 
Even more fell asleep on the fourth night. By the time the seventh night came, plants still awake were the cedar, the pine, the spruce, the fir, the holly, and the laurel. "What wonderful endurance you have," exclaimed (God) – whoops sorry – the Great Mystery. 
"You shall be given the gift of remaining green forever. You will be the guardians of the forest. Even in the seeming dead of winter, your brother/sister creatures will find life & protection in your branches." Ever since then all the other trees & plants lose their leaves and sleep all winter - while the evergreens stay awake.

Today we celebrate the Birth of the ONE in whom we find life – Jesus, born in Beth’lehem, in hebre that means the House of Bread.
Placed in a Manger - a feeding trough for the animals - this is the one who will become the Bread of Life. 
Wrapped in swaddling clothes - like the lambs who were raised in Bethlehem for use in the sacrifices of the Temple in Jerusalem - for Bethlehm and Jerusalem were like Nobleton and Bolton! And these lambs were wrapped in swaddling clothes when they were born to make sure they had no blemish - for they needed to be free of blemishes to be used in the Temple! As was the Lord - who 33 years later would be offered not in the temple but upon the cross!

Here is our Savior - protection for all – in the harshness of our world, In the darkness of a seeming exile, here & now and in the winter coldness of our Sin – Here is our refuge – Here is our God who comes to us - The Great Mystery – The creator of Heaven and Earth enters into creation – not for God’s sake – for ours!
Here is our Saviour who saves us – for we can’t save ourselves!

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