Tuesday 11 February 2014

Africa - Baby Animals

Here are some photos of the Adult and Child Animals that we saw - almost always together...
Baby Elephant & Mommy

A Close-up of the Baby - about 6-8 weeks old the guide figured!

Anothe 4-6 week old Baby Elephant - after going for a mud bath! 

Mama Lion with cubs.

Hippo and Baby - in the water

Striped Back Mongoose - litter with parents

Baboons with newborns

Wart Hog

Mom and Baby Zebra

These young Impalas are obout 2 months old

Young Puku - with larger hind legs to jump through swampy water / land

These Chickens were in the Namibian Village we visited!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the stories and the pictures. What a wonderful trip and what a great story that shows that in time our dreams do come through, we just have to work at it sometimes.
    And yes, God created a beautiful planet, we just need to remember to take care of it.
