Monday 7 May 2012

Food Box Challenge - Day 1

Here we are - the 10 People participating in the Caledon Community Services (CCS) Food Box Challenge.  
There are lots of great entries already!

Here is what I have had today:
Coffee (Brewed at home - Not Tim Hortons!)
1 Piece of bread with peanut butter on it.

For Lunch I had a "Salad" with lettuce from the outside of the head that was starting to brown, &
1/8 of my red pepper
4 Cherry Tomatoes 
(Cut in half - to make it look like more!)
and 1/3 of my can of White Kidney Beans
(Have I told you how much I dislike Kidney Beans!) I used some Salad Dressing - one of the 5 items I am allowed to use from my "Pantry"
I had a full glass of water before the meal - and drank one glass with the meal, it helped me feel full.
Tonight we have the 3rd of 4 Confirmation retreats.  At the retreat we provide snacks (none for me) and Juice and Pizza for dinner.
I am not going to have Pizza, but I packed a Peanut Butter Sandwich (With some lettuce on it) and an Apple.  I am hoping that none of the Confirmandi have Peanut allergies - otherwise I will be eating alone in my office.
The apple I picked up at CCS at the front desk.  They have free fruit available to everyone who comes to the offices - including Jobs Ontario participants, Crisis Clients, and LINC class students. 

I will have a bag of Popcorn when I get home - The box of microwave popcorn is another of my 5 Pantry Items.

1 comment:

  1. So, I used to cut up JP's broccoli and he always used to say "NOOO!!! You're making more!!!"...just thought of it when you said you cut your tomatoes to make it seem like more. Good luck with your courageous and noble endeavour. Thank you Lord for our daily food!
