Sunday 10 April 2011

Federal Election May 2, 2011

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has produced a discussion paper on the upcoming Federal Election. It lists 5 Principles of Catholic thought that can direct our ways being engaged in the electoral process:
  1. Respect for life and human dignity: from conception to natural death
  2. Building a more just society
  3. Promoting the integrity of the person and family 
  4. Canada in the world: providing leadership for justice and peace
  5. A healthy country in a healthy environment
What do the political parties say about these issues?
What positions are the candidates taking?

Voting means using your judgment. Exercising the right to vote means making enlightened and well-thought-out judgments about the choices available. There are times, however, when these choices may prove very difficult. The Church reminds us that “in this context, it must be noted also that a well-formed Christian conscience does not permit one to vote for a political program or an individual law in which the fundamental content of faith and morals is replaced by the introduction of proposals differing from this content or opposing it.”
It is a sign of a healthy community when informed and responsible citizens engage in an ongoing dialogue on major social issues with their political leaders. This is precisely the kind of community we should strive to support and develop.
No less is expected of us, since we are all called to be truly responsible for one another.

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