Thursday 28 April 2011

Caledon Ministerial

Within the Town of Caledon, ministers and priests from the different Christian Churches gather once per month for fellowship, to talk about common issues that face us in ministry, and to plan projects ecumenically within our town. I became aware of this regular monthly meeting early this year, and have been able to discuss some of the homelessness issues that I have learned about in the last year on the Caledon Community Services committee I have been a part of since May of 2010.  I have to confess that it was being part of this group of ministers that has helped me to realize that Caledon is really a grouping of over 10 different "communities" and while Bolton is the largest - it is not the only one! It has meant that issues like homelessness take on different faces in different parts of our community. While I might think of homelessness in terms of couch surfing teens - who have been kicked out of home because of conflict with a new step-father or step-mother - or think of other cases where there is chronic homelessness due to mental health issues, the other ministers along the Highway #10 corridor talk of homeless people who are transients - who are looking for a handout to keep moving on out of town ... so after almost 4 years of living in Caledon - I just keep learning more and more about the community (or communities!) and its diversity.

On a completely separate note - the ministerial association has for the last 3 years organized a Mayor's prayer breakfast.  This year the Prayer Breakfast is on Wednesday May 18th at 7:00 am, and is held at the Caledon Community Complex - 6215 Old Church Road, in Caledon East.  The speaker this year will talk about the good work of Teen Challenge within our town, and the Gospel Choir from Mayfield Secondary School will perform.  Along with scripture readings, and prayer for our governmental leaders, we will also have greetings from our Mayor.  I would like to ask you to consider attending - the program ends by 8:30 am - so you can get to work, and the cost is free - covered by sponsors that the Ministerial Association finds.  If you would like attend this breakfast - Call the Parish Office (905-857-1938) by May 8th and leave a message for me.

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