Sunday, 15 June 2014

Trinity Sunday 2014

The effort made by theologians over the centuries to explain the mystery of the Trinity with human concepts hardly helps Christians today reawaken their trust in God the Father, reaffirm their allegiance to Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, and accept with living faith the presence of the Spirit of God within us. So it might be good for us to make an effort to approach the mystery of God with simple words and humble hearts by closely following the message, actions, and whole life of Jesus -- mystery of the Son of God incarnate. 

The mystery of the Father is tender love and constant forgiveness. No one is excluded from His love; no one is denied His forgiveness. The Father loves us and seeks every one of us, His sons and daughters, through paths He alone knows. He looks on every human being with infinite tenderness and deep compassion. That's why Jesus always invoked him with one word: "Father."

Our first attitude before this Father must be trust. The ultimate mystery of reality, which we believers call "God", must not cause us any fear or anxiety -- God can only love us. He understands our small and wavering faith. We are not to feel sad for our lives which are almost always so mediocre, nor be discouraged when we discover that we have lived for years separated from this Father. We can simply abandon ourselves to Him. Our little faith is enough.

Jesus also invites us to trust. These are his words: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me." Jesus is the living portrait of the Father. In his words, we are hearing what the Father is saying to us. In his gestures and his way of acting -- totally committed to making life more humane -- he shows us how God wants us to be.

So through Jesus we can meet a concrete, warm and friendly God in any situation. He puts peace in our lives. He makes us go from fear to trust, from suspicion to simple faith in the ultimate mystery of life that is only Love.

Receiving the Spirit that animates the Father and His Son Jesus is welcoming within ourselves the invisible, quiet but real presence of the mystery of God. When we become aware of this constant presence, a new trust in God begins to awaken in us.

Our lives are fragile, filled with contradictions and uncertainty. Believers or non-believers, we are surrounded by mystery. But the presence, also mysterious, of the Spirit within us, although weak, is enough to sustain our confidence in the ultimate mystery of life that is only Love.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Thank you. Bless you !! Your words are the golden ribbon of His love that weave though our searching hearts. Much to reflect on.
