Friday, 27 June 2014

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Here is a reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus - whose feast we celebrate on the 2nd Friday after Pentecost - which a parishioner shared with me today.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 
is an act of love. 
It is a love that we express through our thoughts, words, or actions to our good God, Who makes His divine love known to us through His Son and through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus reveals the depths of God’s love for us.
When we speak of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we are reflecting and discussing fundamentally this: the love of and mercy of God in Jesus Christ. “The heart” is the inner-most life of any man, woman, or child. “The heart of Jesus” is his inner life, which always radiated truth, goodness, and beauty. “The Sacred Heart of Jesus” is both this heart of flesh, but also his mercy and love—both in nthe flesh and as God.
Such love surpasses human understanding.  Such love led God to become man and face the agonizing death of the Cross—this love demonstrates God’s desire for our redemption and our love.

Through the devotion of the Sacred Heart, the Church reminds us that love is not something soft, occasional, and sentimental, but strong, enduring and sacrificial.  This understanding of love is the basis for true friendship—human and divine.
Love for the Sacred Heart is love shown back for love—

  • The love of God the Creator, who brought into existence the world and the human race out of sheer love and goodness.
  • The love of God for having chosen to live among men and women and be their God.
  • The love and mercy of God the Son, who took on our humanity so that he might freely suffer, die, and rise for our redemption.
  • The love of Christ the Teacher who calls us to imitate him and follow this command: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
  • The love of God the Holy Spirit, who makes Christ known to us and through whom the love of God is poured into our hearts.

If only we make a beginning to our learning about the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with his grace we will fall deeply into divine love.
The Heart of Jesus calls.  Know Him.  Love Him.  Serve Him.
You have already started the journey.  Continue in His love.

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