Saturday, 7 June 2014

Busy Week

It was certainly a busy week here in Bolton!
We continued with the celebration of Confirmation each evening Monday - Thursday.  I noticed this year that Bishop Boissonneau used more oil in the anointing of each candidate for confirmation in comparison to 2010 which was the last time he was here.  
I wonder if this is because one element in the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan invites parishes to "Fuller and Abundant" sacramental signs.  
It is this thinking of "abundant signs" that is behind our practice of sprinkling the assembly throughout the Easter season with lots of water. 

I attended the All Candidates forum on Health and Social Services issues hosted by Caledon Community Services at the Exchange. It went very well, close to 75-80 in attendance, and I think it achieved its purpose of giving the community services sector a big platform to share its inherent value to the quality of life in the Caledon community. 
I think this was an important initiative for CCS to take in support of all of the community services agencies at work in Caledon. All of them were able to get their message to the candidates very well. 

Urszula Cybolko - Fr. Christopher Hartley - and myself
I also was profoundly moved by the words and witness of Fr. Christopher Hartley - who continues to advocate for those who often have no voice - The Haitians who work on the Sugar Cane Fields in the Dominican Republic. He was on CTV's Canada AM on Wednesday Morning. Thursday he was here in Bolton - at St. Michael's Secondary School. Fr. Christopher shared powerful stories including his call to work with those who live in extreme poverty in the Bateyes. (A batey is a company town where sugar workers live.) I hope to be able to post a video of his talk in the near future.

Friday Evening we had the Edgers go to the Blue Jay's Game. There were 60 of us there - and my Brother in Law thought I was quite brave!  It was a great evening - and the Blue Jays co-operated - winning the game 3-1 over the St. Louis Cardinals. (Don't tell Cardinal Collins that I was cheering against some cardinals!)

This week I also was able to drop by St. John Paul II School this week and saw that the new signage was installed on the building (I think they are still waiting for the sign that you can see on the road to be re-done). Here we have a n enduring physical reality of this event we celebrated this year.

Saturday morning it was the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge which was held at the Caledon East Soccer fields.  The Knights of Columbus have had a long tradition of a Basketball Free-Throw competition - but this was something new!
There was a great turn out of Knights Saturday Morning even tough this was the first time that our Bolton council has run this Soccer Challenge.  Looking forward to future years with many more participants!

Don't Forget to wear Red this Sunday for Pentecost!

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