Saturday 28 March 2020

How do we attack?

In the Gospel today - Jesus is a point of division. Some recognize him as a prophet, others as the Messiah. Still other people attack Jesus - not so much for what he says (remember he spoke with such authority) yet they attack where he is from.  Can any prophet really come from Galilee??? 
The region of Galilee in the northern part of Israel was often considered (in the time of Jesus) to be a "back-water" area - like being a "hill-billy" if you will. How often do we attack people based on where they are from? Their cultural or racial background? How they dress, or the colour of their skin, or the accent they speak with? When they speak truth to us - we cannot attack the words - so we attack where they are from. That they are not from here. They are from "away" - they are not really one of us!
The more times change, the more they stay the same.


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