I know I have not been active with my Blog over the Summer. This is a new resolution of mine in the new school year - to be more regular in my Blog Posts.
This is the Homily I gave this past Sunday - answering the Question - Should I Stay - or Should I go?
There is nothing going in that makes one unclean
It is what comes out of person – Sin – that makes one unclean.
We have seen and heard, read and listened to so much about the Scandals in the Church these past few weeks.
While most of these news stories are about actions from decades ago – it does not make it any easier to hear. The new revelation that has come forward is the entirely unacceptable systematic cover–up of these abuse situations. Let me say that again:
The Entirely Unacceptable Systematic Cover–up
And the immoral behaviour at the highest levels in the Hierarchy.
Some say I have to Leave. How can I go to Church?
I get it – the Disgust, the Anger, the Revulsion, the Distaste.
AND I also realize that I am preaching to the Choir – You are here!
My desire is to Equip you to be Prophets – to be Evangelists. Equip you for conversations that are inevitable with family and friends, those you encounter at work, at school, or elsewhere in your life.
In the First reading today we heard how Israel was called to be an exemplary nation - and example for those around her. Yet we also know that Israel fell in its relationship with the Lord - and that God often called forth leaders - Prophets - to call Isarel back to the Lord. The people did not say - I'm done with this nation - it is horrible and useless - NO! The people stayed - and the Prophets fought for the nation. That's what we need to do right now in the Church! Stay and Fight!
How can I not stay – and fight for Truth – fight for those "little ones' who had no one to fight for them decades ago!
So that your Righteous Anger My Righteous anger with the failed leaders in church might be transformed into Righteousness for the Church! This is the time to address clericalism that says:
"Yes Father," or "Yes Bishop," or "Yes Pope," without making sure it is true, right and Just. A time to advocate for a change in structures in order to hold every member of the Clergy accountable to the People of God - the Church.
We are not Catholic because of the Moral excellence of our leaders –
YET We do want Morally Excellent Leaders!
I am a Catholic because my Parents 55 years ago last month brought me for Baptism in their parish church – Because they wanted me to share in the hope and promise that they knew as faithful Catholics, even though they had experienced an authoritarian and abusive church;
And I have said Yes to being a Catholic time and time again since;
I am Catholic because I am a sinner – like St. Matthew –upon whom the Lord has looked with his gaze of mercy;
I am a Catholic because of the Eucharist – My opportunity to commune with the God who has made the Universe (which is ever expanding - and I don't understand that!) and who knows and loves me;
I am a Catholic because of the Angels and the saints - Heroic witnesses over the centuries - the Communion of Saints!
I am not a Catholic because of a Priest, or a Bishop or a Pope! Although I - like you - have been powerfully & positively impacted by Priests, and Bishops, and Popes…
I am - We are - Catholic
Because of the Love of God
Made real and visible and tangible
in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord.